University Library, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways! Video Contest
Help us celebrate the Library’s 10th birthday by making a video love letter to the University Library. We don’t want to be the best kept secret on campus. This is your chance to share with the world the unique reasons why you love your Library and how it has impacted you.
Do you love having a giant latte after a nap in the Reading Room? Are research papers your favorite thing because you get to visit your librarian? Is your obsession with dinosaurs fueled by our rapid inter-library loan process? Do you roam the stacks in search of inspiration?
Share the library love!
- Video Submissions due Thursday, April 10th. Email your video link to context@csusm.edu to enter the contest. See rules and prizes below.
- Video Contest Film Screening on Thursday, April 17th, 5-6:30 pm, University Library 3400. Join us to watch submitted videos, silkscreen the library logo onto your own t-shirt or tote bag, make library buttons, and more!
What are the rules?
The video must be:
- Produced by current CSUSM students
- Between 2-5 minutes in length
- Uploaded publicly to a website (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
- Appropriate for a broad audience.
In the video, tell the world about what it is about the Library that you love that others may not know about. Feel free to mention:
- the awesome librarians and staff
- cool spaces in the building
- fantastic services
- ...or anything else about the Library you think folks should know about!
The winning videos will:
- focus on how your love for the Library impacts you
- have high production values
- properly credit any music or images
- be used both on the library's website and social media.
What do I win?
A Kindle Fire, a gift certificate from Massage Envy, a dinner from Rock n Roll sushi, CSUSM gear, and other hot prizes!
Email your video link to context@csusm.edu to enter the contest.
Need more info? Contact Outreach Librarian Melanie Chu at mchu@csusm.edu or 760.750.4378.