Thanks to all who attended the ACRL Scholarly Communication Roadshow on June 6, 2014. The materials from the workshop, including: handouts, images from the World Cafe Exercise, and poresentation slides, are available on this page.
Cal State San Marcos, San Diego State University, and the University of California at San Diego were proud to join ACRL in sponsoring this FREE workshop.
When: Friday, June 6th, 9 am - 5 pm
Where: Cal State San Marcos, Clarke Field House
Cost: Free workshop, (includes lunch) parking is $9
Guest presenters.
William M. Cross:
Director of the Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center at North Carolina State University where he provides advice and instruction to campus stakeholders on copyright, licensing, and scholarly communication issues.
Ada Emmett:
Head of the Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright at the University of Kansas. Ada assists faculty and students to understand their copyrights associated with scholarly and creative works which they author, create and share in the classroom.
For more information, contact Carmen Mitchell, Institutional Repository Librarian.