Enlisting a Nation: American Visual Propaganda of World War I explores the government sponsored campaign to garner public support for American involvement in the First World War. Well-known illustrators of the time were recruited to create images that would be mass-produced and displayed across the nation, building upon themes of nationalism, compassion, morality, and a struggle of good over evil.
Schedule of Events
- Exhibit Open House on September 11, 11 am - 1 pm, University Library Gallery (3rd floor).
Stop by to browse the collection with curator and collector Heather Northway. Learn more about the celebrated artists of the time and the themes used to garner public support. Attendees will the opportunity to create a red poppy, a symbol of remembrance, in honor of a service member or loved one.
- A Time Capsule of Music: 1900 – 1930 on October 28, 7 pm, in ARTS 111
The early part of the twentieth century saw rapid and tumultuous changes throughout the world in inventions, politics and the arts. As part of the worldwide centennial commemorations of “The Great War,” come experience piano music from 1900-1930 with an emphasis on specific genres leading up to, during and just after World War I. The legacy of ragtime, waltz, blues, jazz and Tin Pan Alley will be intertwined within the context of historical events of the time. Presented by Howard Anton Duncan with Special Guests Rick Hall & Mandy Paige Bayless.
- Enlisting a Nation: Faculty Perspectives on World War I on November 18, 6 pm, in USU Ballroom
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I, this faculty panel will bring together a broad range of research and perspectives on WWI to engage the campus community in an interdisciplinary dialogue on the politics and propaganda of war. The moderated panel will explore timeless yet current lessons from the world's first war and challenge participants to apply historical understanding to contemporary American foreign policy.
Arts & Lectures tickets available online -- CSUSM students free, faculty and staff $5, community members $10.
More information
See map of library and directions to campus. Visitors to campus can find parking information here.
For more questions or special accomodations, visit the Library's website, email context@csusm.edu or call 760.750.4378.