Through the Eyes of Children: Lives in Poverty
A collection of artwork created by children of low-income and welfare families living in San Diego. The art project was made possible by the Supportive Parents Information Network (SPIN), a local volunteer organization working with families towards self-sufficiency.
On display at the University Library 3rd floor gallery from September 4th through December 15, open during all library hours.
Meet some of the amazing young artists, ranging from ages 4-17, at the opening reception on Saturday, September 22nd at 2 pm.
Artists' Statement
Hopes, dreams, stories all need to be told, but sometimes words aren’t enough. That’s why the children of Supportive Parents Information Network (SPIN) made storyboards, poems and sculptures, with the help of parents and friends, of course.
SPIN kids are trying to show the world what everything looks like through our eyes. Everyone keeps saying “Children are the future.” If we are the future, we should be listened to now, while we are shaping our future. We need the care and attention of our parents because they love us; enough food; good health care; safe housing; and respect. We don’t want us and our families to be put down just because we need help. Everyone needs help sometimes.
In this exhibit, it shows that we have hopes and dreams. It also shows the obstacles faced by thousands of other children who live in low-income families. These children are just like us. We want to be doctors, astronauts, lawyers, candy scientists, and many other things that fascinate us. We dream of college. We dream of being so much more than we are now, because we know that we can be. Sometimes the only thing stopping us are the barriers society puts in our way. Sometimes the barriers are legal, and sometimes they are judgments people make out of ignorance.
What we want visitors to take from this exhibit is a better understanding of what goes on in their own community. We are part of everyone else. We belong to this community, and this community belongs to us.
This exhibit is part of the Context: Library Series. Contact Melanie Chu (760-750-4378) for more information.