Promoting College-Research Readiness and Strengthening Lifelong Learning
k12 institute
2nd Annual CSUSM Library Institute for K12 Schools:
Promoting College-Research Readiness and Strengthening Lifelong Learning
What prepares a student for college-level research and lifelong learning? Join us for the 2nd Annual CSUSM Library Institute for K12 Schools: Promoting College-Research Readiness and Strengthening Lifelong Learning. The CSUSM University Library is seeking to partner with regional K12 teachers, librarians and administrators to strengthen the critical thinking and information literacy skills of high school students, which will prepare them both for college, and life after school. These skills are increasingly necessary for modern life, and will help students become both engaged scholars and citizens. During the institute, you will:
- Understand college level research skills and expectations of college faculty, and how these skills translate to life after college;
- Collaboratively articulate information literacy learning outcomes, teaching strategies and assignments/assessments;
- Reflect and on the process, and evaluate the implementation of the lesson plans and assessments.
When: January 28 and February 11, 2017
On the first Saturday, CSUSM Librarians will demonstrate the Research Module of our first year experience course, General Education Lifelong Learning 101. This will give you the opportunity to see what students are actually learning in one of the first courses they take in college. Topics covered will include the Research Process (a framework students use to complete research assignments); the Information Landscape and Information Evaluation; Scholarly Superpowers and Reading Scholarly articles; and more!
During the second Saturday, participants will have the opportunity to meet with a CSUSM librarian in a one-on-one consultation. The goal of these meetings will be to offer support to the participants in the development of their lesson plans. Also, you’ll be able to hear directly from students about their experience transitioning to college and the development of their research skills.
Participants will receive $150 for completing the following:
- Attending the workshop on both Saturdays, Jan. 28 and Feb. 11
- Completing a lesson plan, teaching activities, and assessment that will strengthen the information literacy skills of your students
- Implementing in the lesson plan in their classroom
- Provide a sample of student work
- Completing a reflection on both the workshop and implementation
- Submit all materials by May 31, 2017.
2017 Institute Agenda
k12 institute prework
Prior to the Institute, complete the following:
- Watch the research process video below
- Complete this reflection
- Read this article
K-12 institute - Websites, Tools, Resources
American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
- Standards for the 21st-Century Learner (You can find PDF documents for your use)
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Literacy Resources
- Literacy Resources -
- Instructional Design for Common Core - Literacy Design Collaborative
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